Monday, June 22, 2009

Work Ethic

Our society has created a nation of leeches who think they are entitled to everything and should not have to work or fight to earn or keep it. They think that everything should come to them; they should not have to work for it. Fighting for our freedom got us where we are but people now think that fighting to protect the freedom is wrong, especially if they might have to do the fighting. I’ve had employees question why they did not get a raise or a promotion, especially since they come to work on time everyday and do their job. I tell them that is why they still have the job; it does not make them worthy of promotion. You are eligible for a new position once you can do the work required of that position or have proven that you are capable of quickly learning to do it and doing it well. You do not get rewarded for doing the minimums; you get rewarded for doing much more than the minimums. In the Navy, I had sailors who volunteered for the Navy for all the benefits it offered, but, when they realized they might have to fight in war and may get injured or killed, they wanted out. When you have a society that will bail you out when you fail and give you free food, shelter, clothing, and medical care, what is the incentive to do more?

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