Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All doctors should be arrested

All doctors should be arrested for withholding disease cures from the public. From advertisements in the media, I have learned there are cures for obesity, baldness, low energy, arthritis, etc. that are not being prescribed by doctors. The makers of these cures will even send you free samples. Doctors must be on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies for withholding these treatments because we all know that the media would not support something that was fraudulent. We all know they are trustworthy and would not allow lies to be told just to further an agenda or make a dollar.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

God speaks!

A local high school student recently died in a vehicle accident. A local man with two daughters who attend the same high school was at the beach this past weekend with his family. While on the beach, he carved a tribute to the student in the sand. A religious youth group from the high school was nearby, saw the tribute, and saw it as words from God. The man later said God told him to carve the words. It’s interesting how God speaks. After millions of years of dealing with mankind, he still does it by “signs.”