Friday, June 12, 2009


I hear an evangelist saying that we cannot prove man walked on the moon, that we can only have faith that we are being told the truth. He said that the word of 14 men who said they walked on the moon, the thousands of photographs, the millions of dollars of equipment that still exists, the moon soil and rocks, the word or thousands of NASA employers, etc. are not proof that man walked on the moon. He says that those who believe we did are just relying upon faith that it is true. This should also apply to his believing that the Bible is the true word of God. Although there is ample proof that man walked on the moon, there is proof that the Bible is the word of God —other than, it says it is.

The followers of Heaven’s Gate had faith that the mother ship was behind the Hale Bopp comet as it passed near the earth and that the ship was coming to take them home. They had so much faith that they committed mass suicide to travel to the ship. Radical Muslims have so much faith that they will be rewarded after death if they kill infidels that they are willing to kill themselves in the process of killing non-believers. These groups seem to have more faith than Christians since they believe so much in their faiths that they are willing to die for them.

The faithful do not need proof that they are right and there can never be enough proof to prove them wrong.

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