
If it's true–prove it!

Skeptics question commonly held opinions and beliefs and the validity of all things claiming to be factual. If you make an extraordinary claim or statement, skeptics expect you to provide extraordinary proof of such. Thus, skeptics become societal outliers, people who think outside the norm and don't fit in with the general public.

In Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land, Valentine Smith is a human raised by Martians on the planet Mars who returns to Earth in early adulthood to find he is a stranger in a strange land where he struggles to understand the beliefs and cultures of earthbound humans.

Although we skeptics are a part of society and move freely among the public, we are still considered outliers. So, in effect, we are—strangers in a strange land.

Far-out is an old-school term defined as a considerable departure from conventional or traditional. Thus the blog title: Far-Outlier.