Thursday, July 16, 2009

Purple Heart

Purple Heart medal
Florida National Guardsman Sgt. Ernie Rivera who served in Iraq and was awarded two Bronze Stars for heroism thinks he deserves a Purple Heart, which is given to service members who've been wounded or killed in combat. In December 2006, a roadside bomb exploded in his convoy and he received a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that caused him to be hospitalized for six months. While records show that Rivera was totally disabled by the injury, the Army says it can't tell for sure whether the injury came from the roadside bomb that exploded in his convoy because his most severe symptoms didn't surface until weeks after the blast.

Rivera should have asked Senator John Kerry for advice. While in the Vietnam War, Kerry collected Purple Hearts as a hobby; submitting himself for the award every time he received a scratch and then using his collection of awards as justification for being allowed to leave Vietnam eight months early so he could come back home and declare himself a war hero. Rivera's problem is that, as a tough, dedicated soldier, he waited too long to seek help for his severe symptoms. Kerry would have advised him to run to the medics for every little injury to increase the chances of getting an award for the injury.

Rivera should also talk with Senator John McCain for advice on how to exploit his awards for political purposes and book deals. McCain is a master of exploitation of military service.

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