Thursday, July 3, 2008

Survival of the Fittest

According to science, humans, as well as all other life forms, evolved to their present state by the process of survival of the fittest. Only the fittest survived for any appreciable length of time, which increased their chances of producing offspring and passing their superior genetic makeup to future generations. As with many other things, if one thing is true, then the antithesis must also be true. If it is true that humans became superior being because only the fittest survived to procreate, then if the unfit are helped to survive and procreate, then humankind will deteriorate and will suffer the consequences.

Now we use advanced technology to keep the unfit alive, support them when they cannot do it for themselves, and then not only allow but encourage them to procreate. The human gene pool is being polluted. Will humankind deteriorate or will branches of humankind develop with one branch becoming more fit to survive and one or more branches developing into inferior, unfit beings?

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