Saturday, June 21, 2008

The people in … are resilient, tough, courageous, etc. in the face of adversity.

I get sick of hearing the media blather on and on about how resilient, tough, courageous, etc. the people are in some area that has been hit by a natural disaster. To say the people in one place are this way means that there must be some place were the people are not this way. The media never point out any place where the people are wimpy, weak, cowards in the face of calamity. If there is no such place, then it must be that people in general are resilient, tough, courageous, etc. This being the case, why make such a big deal about what is basically human nature. If anything, the media ought to point out how stupid some people are to live in dangerous areas and how utterly stupid it is to rebuild in the same areas where the odds are that at some future date they will be called upon again to be resilient, tough, courageous, etc.

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