Monday, April 18, 2005

Men versus Women

As the late James Brown sang, "It's a man's, man's, man's world. But it won't be nothing, without a woman, or a girl."

Despite claims of unalienable rights, constitutional rights, and rights bestowed by God, the only rights anyone has are those granted by the people in power. And the only reason those in power grant any rights is to help ensure that those in power remain in power. Power comes from physical force or the treat of physical force. Money itself has no power, but it allows people with weak physical force to hire powerful physical forces to protect them. The power to bestow material things, such as jobs or gifts, and the power to bestow abstract things, such as prestige and notoriety, also allows those with weak physical force to get people with a strong physical force to protect them. But this is fine line, since these mercenaries hired to protect may turn on you and take all you have rather than let you bestow some of it on them.

People say that constitutions grant rights. Constitutions are only pieces of paper; they cannot do anything. The rights listed in then are those that society believes should be granted to its citizens and society grants those rights through using its physical powers: the police and military. Elected officials have no physical powers. The courts have no physical powers. Their only power comes from a willing police force and a willing military.

A constitution may grant rights to all citizens regardless of sex, but those rights only exist because the citizens support them. They do not exist by themselves. There is not some right that will stand in front of a woman to protect her; however, society has stated that the woman should be protected.

Women are only safe, because our society protects them. The only thing that allows a woman activist stand and to demand her rights is society as a whole. Otherwise, men would just eliminate her. All the talk about women’s rights is just that, talk. The only rights women have are those allowed by the physically powerful, the men. No matter what your think or feel, men are genetically stronger and more powerful than women. The only way women survive is because society protects them from men.
In martial arts classes, women train to protect themselves. Some are proficient at self-defense and may deter or stop an attack by a weaker man or a man not so intent on harming her. But, the best female fighter in the world is no match against any untrained male who is intent on harming her.

Women have physical and mental endurance and they have a high tolerance of pain, but that does not make them physically able to defend themselves successfully against a determined male. A male who is expecting a defenseless woman make be deterred by a woman who fights back, but if the male is determined to kill her, she will die, no matter how much she resists. The same is true of a male who is attacked by multiple male attackers.

In martial arts classes, women train to fight back and they gain confidence from the training. Fighting back is preferable to letting someone harm you, but, make no mistake about it, when a man wants to kill or seriously harm a woman he will do it. The woman may do enough to make the man back off and leave her alone or she may delay the end until help arrives, but, if neither occurs, she will die, no matter how many black belts she has.

Like anything else, there are exceptions to the rule. In the case where the woman is much larger than the male, the male is incapacitated in some way, or the male is disabled in some way, the woman may win. If the woman has a weapon, such as a firearm or a fighting knife, and knows how to use it, the woman may win.

So what it all boils down to is that women only exist because men protect them from other men and men only exist because women give birth to them and raise them. Like everything else in nature, there is something to be gained by each side, so they work together. The men protect the women from other men and return the women bear and raise the children,

Men are physically more powerful than women, but women have emotional control over men. Although the two forces are not equal, the emotion control is enough to protect women from men most of the time. So a woman’s most powerful weapon against a man is her emotional influence.

When a woman is sparring with a man, she may think she is just as good as the man (and she may be, at least technique wise) but the woman must realize that, if at any point the male opponent decides she must die, then she will die, unless she gets others to protect her. That is neither a male chauvinist viewpoint nor a politically correct viewpoint; it is just the way nature determined it will be.


  1. You are full of shit. If you knew ANYTHING about killing someone, it only takes a hit in the right spot on the body to either knock out or kill someone. If women are good technique-wise, then they would be able to find that spot and kill the person easily; everyone has the same weak spots not matter how much muscle tries to cover them up. By the way, Tae Kwon Do is a sport martial art; it is so Americanized and it's all about sport and competition. Why don't you try a real martial art? And how do you know what nature intended? You are not God; chauvinists always use the nature excuse, ALWAYS.

  2. I am a tall, strong man who is also a martial artist, and I know from a great deal of experience that you are simply wrong in your underestimation of the power of a woman trained to fight. I have seen men try to hurt a female martial artist and themselves end up severely injured.

  3. People who make a living using force, such as police officers, bouncers, professional fighters, etc. would appreciate knowing about these miracle spots that only take one strike to knockout or incapacitate an opponent. Granted, there are body areas that are better targets than others, but even these would have to hit perfectly under ideal conditions to stop an attacker, which rarely happens.

    You write as though you think I am unaware that modern Taekwondo has evolved into a sport with such worldwide popularity that it has become an Olympic event. I assume this is because you have not read much of what I have written about Taekwondo in

    What is a “real: martial art? Is it boxing, where opponents are only allowed to punch? Is it wresting, where opponents may only grapple? If it judo, where opponents are not allowed to punch or kick? Is it MMA, where opponents grapple and pound each other with certain allowed strikes? Is it karate, where opponents spar without contact using precise, focused techniques? Could it be Taekwondo, where opponents kick and punch with full-contact while wearing body protection? Alternatively, maybe it is one of the hundreds of other “martial art” styles.

    You state I do not know what nature intended since I am not God. Conversely, if you are not God, then how do you know that my statements about what nature intended are not true? I read about and observe nature, and comment on what I find to be interesting. One does not have to be a chauvinist to realize that men and women are physically different. For centuries, societies have made laws to protect women from men—not to protect men from women. In general, men and women do not compete together in physical sports. Domestic violence is mostly men attacking women. Pound for pound, men are physically stronger than women—that is not chauvinistic, it is just the way nature made us.

  4. In response to the Anonymous 2:16 AM comment:

    Why are women and men of equal weight and training not competing against each other in full-contact MMA or boxing tournaments, or even in no-contact point sparring tournaments? The reason is that men are simply stronger and more powerful than women so the matchup would not be fair. This is not something derogatory against women; it is just the way it is.

    If a man seriously intends to injure or kill a woman, it will probably happen. She may escape and avoid harm; she may resist and delay the harm; or she may be lucky enough to cause enough damage to discourage the attacker or even harm him enough that he ends the attack, but this is rare. When the safest compact car crashes head-on into a full-size SUV, the compact car will always suffer the most damage no matter how quick it is, how nibble it is, or how expert the driver; the larger mass simply overpowers the smaller mass. There are always exceptions, but exceptions do not make the rule.

    When men fight against women in competitive contests, the men are usually not using their full capabilities, at least not in cultures where men are raised to respect and protect women. When a man competes against a woman, there is usually an instinct to protect her, not harm her.

    I propose that, if I pick a number of random men and you pick an equal number of random women and we match them up against each other according to weight and let them no-holds-barred fight, that the men will probably win 100% of the matches.

  5. To TKD Tutor.I like your point of view.You are absolutely right and honest.I do think men will win.Emotional control is not to be underestimated.It is as strong and as dangerous as physical power.
