Thursday, August 5, 2004

Belt System

Some say the "belt system" used in the martial arts is antiquated and useless. Why is it that something that is supposedly useless is being used so successfully by so many? Why are there grades in schools? Why are there different college degrees? Why are there performance levels in so many sports, such as novice, amateur, expert, semi-professional, and professional? Why are there ranks in the military, police, fire departments, religious organizations, video gamers, etc? It is because people want classifications.

Classifications help people understand the positions and abilities of others. It gives people a goal to work toward. It gives people satisfaction. Those who say the "belt system" is useless, are usually rationalizing their own lack of achievement within a belt system. For some who can't reach the achievements of others, it is easier to try to chop away at the achievements of others in hopes of bringing them down a level that may be achieved by anyone.

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