Saturday, November 28, 2020

Concealed weapons

In 1996, North Carolina passed a concealed carry law. Opponents said there would be blood in the streets. IT DID NOT HAPPEN!.

Then NC allowed concealed weapon permit holders to carry in certain parks. Opponents said there would be blood in the streets. IT DID NOT HAPPEN!.

Then NC allowed concealed weapon permit holders to carry on greenways, where alcohol is served, and to store weapons in locked cars on educational property. Opponents say there will be blood in the streets. IT DID NOT HAPPEN!

After over twenty years of concealed carry, concealed weapon permit holders are still not committing crimes and opponents are livid.

Guns and gays

Some say that, while most assault rifle owners are law-abiding gun owners, there are a few who use them to harm children. Therefore, if it saves just one child, it is worth it to ban all people from owning assault rifles, even if it is prejudicial to law-abiding gun owners.

These same people say that while a few gay men may also be pedophiles, most gay men are law-abiding citizens. Therefore, it is wrong to ban gay men from being Boy Scout leaders just to protect one child, since it is prejudicial to law-abiding gays.

Where does the buck stop?

In the early days of poker, a marker (e.g., a knife with a buck-horn handle during the American Frontier era) was used to indicate the person whose turn it was to deal. If the player did not wish to deal, he could pass the responsibility by passing the "buck," as the marker came to be called, to the next player. 

President Truman had a sign on his desk that read "The buck stops here". The phrase referred to the fact that, as President, he was the one to make the final decisions and thus had to accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.
Now, all politicians have a sign on their desks that reads "The buck stops over there."