Friday, March 23, 2018

The media

The media no longer report what happened; they report what could have happened, might have happened, would have happened, should have happened, etc. Instead of facts, they report rumors, gossip, hearsay, speculations, insinuations, feelings, judgments, impressions, opinions, social media, etc. Their purpose is no longer to inform; it is to persuade.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ban killer cars

In Arizona over the weekend, a self-driving Uber car killed a woman who was crossing the street. The vehicle was operating in autonomous mode when it struck her but there was a human in the driver’s seat (probably texting).

This is just another case of things killing people, such as when firearms kill people. It is obvious that self-driving vehicles are dangerous. There is no need for self-driving vehicles. What if one plows into a school and kills innocent children. They should be banned, no matter the type of vehicle, the size of the engine, or the number of cylinders in the engine. The only reason these vehicles are around is that of all the money car makers and the AAA pay lobbyists and the money they donate to politicians. Ban all self-driving vehicles or at least ones with big engines—if it saves just one life, it is worth it.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Where's the outrage?

Why are there no student outrages, marches, protests, walkouts, etc. because of the hundreds of teenagers and children that are killed each year because of the use of alcohol and/or tobacco?

Still crazy?

Why aren’t there any more claims in the media about President Trump being insane, crazy, demented, etc? If he was insane before his annual medical exam, why isn’t he still insane?


California and Colorado must be the healthiest states in the United States since they have full access to the miracle drug that cures about every disease; at least that’s what marijuana advocates have claimed for decades.

Saturday, March 3, 2018


What happened to our heroes? A hero used to be a person who put his or her life on the line to save someone else from death or serious harm. These days, people are called heroes for just being good neighbors, friends, or citizens, and even for just following their doctor's orders. Now a hero is a little girl who reports smoke coming from a neighbor’s house, marines working motor pool at a reserve center who were killed by a terrorist, a dog who wakes its owner to save him from a fire, or someone who finishes treatment for cancer and is cured. 

If these are heroes, what do we call the people who rush into burning houses to save lives, marines who die rushing onto the battlefield to save fallen comrades, or people who defend someone being assaulted? These days, athletes are called heroes because they are good at their sports, doctors are called heroes because they are good at their jobs, and people who are shot while sitting in a church are considered heroes because they died (had they lived they would just be called victims).

You may admire someone who has done something great, or have sympathy for someone who is sick, injured, or has been killed but these things are not heroic. Bring back the true heroes, the people who risk their lives doing heroic things.