Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Digital Music

They lied. They said digital music was better than records: no hiss, no scratches, easier to use, etc. However, they forgot to tell us a major flaw—digital music sounds like crap. There are no subtle undertones and sounds end abruptly instead of trailing off (instead of banggggg, we get bang). Instead of caressing your ears, it assaults them. Maybe some day they will find an electronic medium that can store digital music that has been created with a high enough sample rate that it can compete with the sound we get from records. Until then, we have to just grit our teeth and  remember how it used to be.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Women demand to be in military academies, in the military, on ships, in submarines, etc. Why don't they demand  to be registered for the draft as are men?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Man who had done nothing for peace in his life, had been president of his country for one month, and who was leading his country in two wars wins Noble Prize for Peace.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

God's Words

Why is that, when God writes something, such as the ten commandments he etched in the stone tablets, it is clear, concise, and unambiguous, such as "Thou shall not steal," but, when men write something that "God told them," it is symbolic, wordy, ambiguous, and open to many different interpretations? If God has something to say, why does he not just write it himself and eliminate the "sinful" middle men.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Thousand of uninvited, illegal aliens cross the border every day, many of whom are murders, rapists, thieves, and drug and arms traffickers and Congress and the Obama administration could care less. So what gets them excited enough to hold congressional hearings and want a government crackdown, an uninvited couple who attended a capital dinner with the President.

Avoiding Banks

According to a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, nearly 30 million households have no bank account or have one but also use alternative financial services at least occasionally. 53% of African-American households and 43% of Hispanic households use check cashers or similar services instead of or in addition to banks. Those using check cashers and other services say they are faster, cheaper, and more convenient than banks—even though they pay a fee to cash a check they could deposit in a bank account for free. The FDIC avoids the real reason why these groups avoid banks—to hide income. If you have income, either legal or illegal, that you wish to hide so you may avoid taxes and qualify for welfare programs, then you only deal in cash.